Vidwan-ID : 321419

Mr Prasad Kumar Swain

Assistant Professor
Lovely Professional University



Prasad Kumar Swain (Research Scholar / Art Educator) presently teaching printmaking, print history, and aesthetics at the Printmaking Studio, Department of Fine Arts, School of Humanities, Lovely Professional University, India, Formerly specialized in the area of Visual arts, Gallery Management, and curatorship with Space Studio, Aura Fine Arts Pvt Ltd, Tasveer Arts, Art Underground Digital Gallery, He studied Masters of Visual Arts (Graphic Arts) from Faculty of Fine Arts, M.S. University, Baro

Personal Information

Mr Prasad Kumar Swain

Department of Fine Arts Department of Fine Arts, Lovely Professional University
Kapurthala, Punjab, India - 144001


  • Assistant Professor

    Department of Fine Arts

    Lovely Professional University


  • MVA

    Lovely Professional University